NDI Council
Chair-(2023) Curtis Andrew Cecil (Jefferson) (email: gripograce@gmail.com; 515-554-1199)
Ministerial Representatives:
(2023) Desiree B. Caluza (Delaware Newstart) (email: desireec@newstart4u.org; 614-460-0521)
(2024) Cora Denise Freeh (Sandusky Community) (email: cfreeh@sanduskynazarene.org; 419-656-8997)
(2025) Felix Muñiz (Cleveland Nueva Luz) (email: munizfel@aol.com; 216-408-8802)
Lay Representatives:
(2024) Deb Heller (Wooster) (email: debh@woosternaz.org; 330-465-1834)
(2024) Steve Magyar (Wadsworth NOW) (email: smagyar8n@gmail.com; 330-814-1067)
(2025) Billie Maglott (Lexington Journey) (email: billie.maglott@mvnu.edu; 419-961-5471)
Ex Officio Members
Director of Children’s Ministries-
Mindy Schemrich (Mount Vernon Lakeholm)
(email: lakeholmkids@lakeholm.org; 614-989-5411)
Director of Adult Ministries-TBD
Prime Time Ministries
Director-Joe Saunders (Tiffin), 10100 West US 224, Alvada, OH 44802 (email: joesaun@hotmail.com; 740-485-9370)