FRIDAY, February 28, 7:00PM
Greystone Event Center, 50 Riffel Road, Wooster, OH
Cost is $29 per person.
One honor teacher from each church attends for free!
Registration will close February 11. ​
Register and pay online
Save $1 and mail a check for $28 per person
payable to NCO District with names of attendees to
602 Martinsburg Road, Mount Vernon, OH 43050
​Please contact Pastor Cecil Curtis with questions
email pastorcurtis@jeffnaz.org or call 440-536-8577
Church Groups will be seated in order of when reservations are received (8 people per table).
The buffet menu will include several gluten free and vegetarian options. A gluten free dessert is available for dessert if requested with your reservation by February 11.
Beef Roast Medallions
Garlic and Herb Chicken (gluten free)
Roasted Redskin Potatoes - Garlic Style (gluten free)
Fresh Grilled Vegetables (gluten free)
Mac-n-Cheese (Cheddar)
Summerville Salad (gluten free)
Assorted Pies (A gluten free dessert is available for dessert if requested with your reservation by February 11.)
Quarter-page save the date card
Save the date slide
(Right click on the image to save file)