NCO Impact Team
2024-2025 Calendar​
Sept 14-15, 2024
Mansfield Heart City Nazarene
Oct 12-13, 2024
Orwell Resurrection Life Nazarene
Nov 9-10, 2024
am: Fresh Faith Community Naz, Mt Gilead
pm: Bucyrus Nazarene, Bucyrus
Jan 11-12, 2025
am: Loudonville Nazarene, Loudonville
pm: TBD
Feb 1-2, 2025
am: Mt Vernon Lakeholm Nazarene
pm: TBD
Mar 8-9, 2025
am: Willo-Lake COTN, Eastlake
pm: Ashland Nazarene, Ashland
Apr 12-13, 2025
am: Willard Nazarene, Willard
pm: Sandusky Community COTN, Sandusky
Camp: July 13-19, 2025
Our Mission Statement
To provide opportunities for high school teens to develop & utilize their musical talents to share the love of Christ through Worship.
Core Values
Committed to relating to and intentionally impacting the lives of others for Christ
Committed to developing Christian relationships within the team that results in accountability and lasting friendship
Commitment to growing and developing musical talent in seeking God’s will for how He would have us use our talents
Spiritual development: to see and feel a noticeable difference in our spiritual growth
Intentional commitment to spreading the gospel through music
Using our talents in serving God & touching the lives of others with the love of Christ
Love and devotion to God
What is Impact?
The NCO Impact Team is a group of 30-40 High School aged teens and adult staff that travel the North-Central Ohio area and join in Worship with churches and congregations. The choir is accompanied by our worship band (or music tracks), with our goal being to "Spread the love of Christ through Worship". We meet one weekend a month: 7 months of the year. During each Impact weekend, the team spends time bonding while becoming life-long friends - we share in each other’s wins and losses and learn from/support each other. We’re joined because of the commonality of Jesus being at the center of our lives!
At each scheduled Impact weekend, we all meet at the designated church on Saturday afternoon. We catch-up, fellowship, and practice until dinner. After more fellowship, devotions, and prayer on Saturday night, we stay in host homes (provided by the church) and then all come back together on Sunday morning to worship with the congregation. We then eat lunch (provided by the church), and when finished and all packed up, we travel to the next scheduled church where we will set up, rehearse, and eat dinner – all before worshipping with another congregation that evening! Then it’s time to pack up and go home, counting down the days until next time!
To prepare for these weekends of worship time, we spend a full week of camp on the beautiful campus of Mount Vernon Nazarene University. We learn all the music, study the Bible, and play games, all while learning about gifts, our calling, and our purpose. We have a LOT of fun, sing a LOT, cry, pray, and laugh a LOT together! This team makes a huge IMPACT on the teens and their families before we even visit the first church on the schedule!
How has being a part of the NCO Impact Team,
had an impact your life?
Impact has helped me to follow my calling to be a true worshipper of God in a community with other God loving teenagers.
Impact helped me deepen my relationship with God, while also showing me what my calling in life was.
Impact helped me grow in my friendships and seeing how people really care about me, while also keeping a reminder of how much God cares about me too.
Impact helped me in more than one way. It has helped me become a better Friend, Brother, worshipper, and Follower of Christ! And has given me a ton of great memories!
I can honestly say impact has changed my life, like you've all become such a family to me. I can't even believe it's over like it feels like just last week we got home from camp and couldn't wait for the next weekend. Thank you all for bringing your worship with to every church we came to, and don't ever stop shining your lights on the people around you!
So thankful for this team I came on this team because I felt called to join and so glad I did at first I was shy and only talked to a few people, but as time went on I got to know and be friends with everyone and so thankful for all you and I hope best for the seniors! I love you guys thanks for an amazing year and a god loving family!
Hey guys just want to say to those on the team and those who will be leaving the team thank you! This team has really taught me a lot. I’m so glad that god called me on this team and I’m so glad I got to make friendships with all of you each and every one of you are amazing and thank you so much for being so inclusive. It’s hard living in a world like this but when you have a group of teens like you and all you want to do is worship god together it feels amazing. And this is for our seniors I hope that god uses you in amazing ways as you go out and start a life of your own I hope y’all go out and use your talents to bring people to god even if you aren’t on impact anymore your still a impact to people if you just put yourself out there! I love each and every one of you and hope to see every one that can be back next year on impact.
Guys just asking prayers that we get the word out about impact because It can change peoples life and even maybe be apart of there testimony we have to get out there and be the servants god wants us to be so let’s pray god will send the right people to sign up and that we will get a lot more people to join! This is all up to us and how we reach out to people. This team has honestly changed my life and I want to see this team keep going and worshipping for many more years to come!!!
NCO Impact Teams!
2023-2024 Team

2022-2023 Team

2021-2022 Team

2020-2021 Team

2019-2020 Team

2018-2019 Team

2017-2018 Team

2016-2017 Team

2013-2014 Team

2009-2010 Team

If you have any other team photos please message Sally and we can get them posted!