Care & Connection
What is LINKS?
The LINKS program of the 5th Impact area of NMI, Care & Connection is designed to network personal connections between Nazarene servants around the world. Servant as are assigned to districts and, then on the district level, connect to local churches. This gives each church an opportunity to become personally acquainted with the family and their field of service. NCO recommends each church submit the minimum contribution listed for their church as an annual Cash LINKS for each ACTIVE Servant to Global Treasury Services by August 31, churches send packages, cash gifts, cards, and other remembrances to their LINKS servants for birthdays and anniversaries or whenever the Lords leads.
Various publications such as Holiness Today, Reflecting God and a small bonus is provided to our LINKS missionaries as well as ALL eligible missionaries through M... Christmas Fund via your SEPARATE contribution to a Global Mission FUND via Global Treasury Services. NCO recommends your church contribution to the M.... Christmas Fund be equal to whatever your minimum LINKS cash allocation. Since the M..... Christmas Fund is part of the Global Mission Fund, no names should be included in the memo line, simply label it as M.... Christmas Fund. The M.... Christmas Fund is an approved 10 % mission special.
Churches who connect with their LINKS feel a sense of involvement with the global mission enterprise of the church through regular correspondence from the missionaries, updates from their field, and even through deputation services while the missionaries are on home assignment. The missionaries are encouraged, knowing people care and pray for them. The relationships built over time personalize names and faces that both the missionaries and their LINKS churches value highly.
North Central Ohio District LINKS for are:
Active LINKS Assignment
Joshua & Katherine Haun
Bulgaria | Central Europe Field | Eurasia
January 1-December 31, 2024
Learn more about the Haun family here.
Contribute to the ministry account via their servant profile.
Contact your church's LINKS servanats regularly (at least two or three times a year). Our Servants love to receive cards and notes; however, don't expect a reply to every correspondence. They are encouraged, knowing people care and pray for them.
All monies for retired missionaries should be sent directly to the servant.
Click here for more details about Care & Connection 2024.
Please pray for our LINKS, and support them with your love, notes, cards, gifts, and phone calls. They depend on us.